Sunday 1 April 2012

Crossroads & Spiderwebs

Hello big crossroad, it's been 6 years since we last really met! You know that route I chose back then, It's been pretty amazing journey so far. On this route, I've met heaps of wonderful people, gone to places I could never have imagine, experience a variety of feelings etc.

It's rather funny & freaky at the same time thinking about that one decision back then could change my life and some how led me to here right now typing my 1st ever blog, in my bed at night in Auckland, New Zealand! Honestly, I never thought of starting a blog until this year and yea, I never thought I would be here in New Zealand again.

Oh yea, that route or decision I made back then in Malaysia, at 18 years old was to switch my degree course from English to Broadcasting. I believe that one single decision has lead me up to this point right here 6 years later.

Now let's say, what if I chose a different route different back then? Where would I be right now? What would I be doing? Who will I be? Who will I meet? Who will my friends be? It's just crazy imagining about it. Hmm... Probably an English teacher in some secondary school, which was the original plan or my dad's plan. :P 

On the other hand, broadcasting lead me here. How? Let's say more tiny crossroads and decisions! Some times I wonder whether I chose the right one and for some I definitely saw the outcome. Some were positive but some times negative decided to come along as well. I guess that's part of the deal.

Funnily, I some how see this as one freakin huge spiderweb, while I'm this little speck of dust traveling on it's threads, each step I take the threads disappear behind me. And eventually along the way, I'll come to a crossroad where I have to make a decision on which route to take, not knowing what lies ahead of each route. Some may be small ones where they eventually meet again but the big ones are tough as they lead you on to a whole new spider web instead! haha..

So yea, after 6 years I feel like I'm at that huge crossroad again where I may migrate on to other spiderwebs or maybe stay on the one I'm on. Small decision, huge impact! Well, there's only so much I can plan so I believe I'll just have to leave it up to the big guy up in the sky. He knows what's best for me! :)